About Julie Hwang, MSOM, LAc
Chinese medicine found me in a small town in Wyoming in 2005 and forever changed the course of my life. I fell in love with the medicine because its tenets echoed how I strive to live my life, both in philosophy and in action. The combination of acupuncture, herbs, qigong (breathing and movement exercises), tuina (Chinese massage), and lifestyle adjustments have helped me to heal over and over again, from trauma to physical sickness and injuries.
Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) refers to practicing the medicine as it was described and taught in the classical texts that mostly come from the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD). This differs from 'Traditional Chinese Medicine' (TCM), which was a phrase and system developed in reaction to the decimation of the many lineages of Chinese medicine during the Cultural Revolution and subsequent attempt to bring it back.
The real spirit of Chinese medicine is found in the classics, which are esoteric and thus found confusing and lacking when modernization and Western medicine entered the scene.
Education & Credentials
Bachelor of Arts, Davidson College
Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) with a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Classical Chinese Medicine, National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM)
National Acupuncture Certification, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.), Tennessee
Diplomate in Canonical Chinese Medicine from the Institute of Classics in East Asian Medicine (ICEAM)
I have been fortunate to study with some of the most talented classical Chinese medicine practitioners in the world:
I apprenticed in Neijing acupuncture with Dr. Edward Neal, MD.
I studied the spirit of Chinese medicine and Chinese herbal formulas with an emphasis on the Shanghan Lun and Jingui Yaolue under Heiner Fruehauf, Ph.D., and am currently studying with Dr. Arnaud Versluys, the leading holder of the Tian-Zeng lineage and founder and director of the Institute of Classics in East Asian Medicine (ICEAM).
When not in the treatment room, I can be found attending my other passions: climbing rocks, drinking old tea, eating pie, reading, cooking, working on various kitchen projects, and hanging out with my animals.